Friday, May 23, 2008

High-Five Friday Update

To to unpopular demand, High-Five Fridays morphs into a "do as you will" dealio. You can play, if you wish, and link here; but as so few play regularly it just seems a pain to keep making the weekly post.

However, if you are continuing to play regularly ~ and are linking here ~ let me know and I'll be sure to add you to the side bar.

Should things change, and more people spread the Friday love, then I'll resume.

Friday, May 16, 2008

High-Five Fridays #16

Time to give your High-Fives!

  • Remember to use the code in your post.
  • Please leave the link to your High-Five Fridays in a comment at this post.
  • Then visit as many High-Fivers as you can to spread the High-5 love!